About me

  Vineyard Hishiyama Rock is run by me, Senda Shozo.

  I've had the vineyard life here since 2015 when I retired at 60 from the teaching job in Tokyo metropolitan high schools.

Although I was a total beginner at the start, people involving in a local winery have helped me a lot in building vineyards, growing grapes and making wine. Some of the wineries thankfully make me wine using my grapes even though their amount is very small.

  I've built nearly 2 acre vineyard in total for six years, mostly on the abandoned farmland. It was not easy work for old and novice farmers, but luckily I've had some people and my old students from Tokyo who visit me and work for the vineyard.

  In 2021 I grow 6 varieties of grape in some vineyards in the neighborhood. Some of them are still on the way to the harvest.


  Vineyard Hishiyama Rock経営者・千田正三について。







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